Friday 12 June 2009


Hello, lovely people!

I hear you've signed up for an interesting and possibly mind-fucking trip a few clicks back.
What do you mean what trip? Oh, that's right, you have no clue as to what I have in store for you all.

Well, let me tell you a little story (it's not an actual story, but that (<) line sounds something like a psycho would say) : long, hard years have passed over me and I never felt write writing about them. I had no need to tell a bunch of strangers about stuff I think about as I saw absolutely no reason to do so. Now, however...I still think the same thing. But there is that little voice (one of them, anyway) inside my head telling me to write some stuff down, if not for anything else then for future references for myself. I have no idea how frequent updates will be, because I don't want to write about boring, gray everydays. The frequency of updates will all depend on what gives me reasons to write. You are welcome to read and comment to your hearts' desire. Be warned, though, most of my posts will contain the following:

a) a strange form of humor I pretty much call my way of living. or sarcasm for the unwashed masses. - I use a lot of it and even when writing about the most serious of topics I will most likely humor myself (and possibly you). This might come off as inappropriate or morbid. If you don't like it, search for the red x in the upper right corner now. Found it? good. Clickity-click it.

2) a high degree of personal stuff some of you might not fully understand - while I will try and write stuff that mostly everyone will understand, I wont explain absolutely everything. If you're wise enough, you can make the connections for yourself. If not, your loss.

III) (and possibly the most important) I will try and use the most impeccable grammar and punctuation possible. I detest people who start blogging and do so in the least exigent way.

With those being said, let our bedazzling journey begin!

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